Meeting The Challenges (1 day)

Woodhouse Park Activity Centre, Fernhill, Almondsbury, South Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

This course will help you become an even better Manager in Scouting. You can find out more about the course objectives here. This ticket is free to the user. Counties other than Gloucestershire will be charged £30.00 per attendee, so please confirm with your County Training Manager. Read more about costs and cancellation here If

Achieving Growth (1 day)

Wiltshire Scout Centre Potterne, Potterne Wick, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

By the end of the course, participants will be able to produce and implement an effective development plan to identify and promote growth in local Scouting. You can find out more about the course objectives here.

Skills of Management (2 days)

Cranham Scout Centre Cranham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

This skills course aims to provide Managers and Supporters with the skills they need in order to carry out their role effectively and support others in doing the same. You can find out more about the course objectives here. All meals will be provided as will overnight accommodation. Full joining instructions will be sent out

Meeting The Challenges (1 day)

Wiltshire Scout Centre Potterne, Potterne Wick, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

This course will help you become an even better Manager in Scouting. You can find out more about the course objectives here. If you wish to attend "Achieving growth" on the following day you must book separately. Accommodation and meals are available for those who wish to stay over.

Achieving Growth (1 day)

1st Plympton Scout HQ Cottles Lodge, Station Road,, Plympton, Devon, United Kingdom

By the end of the course, participants will be able to produce and implement an effective development plan to identify and promote growth in local Scouting. You can find out more about the course objectives here. This ticket is free to the user.

Module 16 – Intro to Residential experiences

This online workshop will enable section leaders and those who may support residential experiences for young people, as part of their role in Scouting, to understand the role that residential experiences play in Scouting. The topics covered include: Bookings close on 15th October

Meeting The Challenges (1 day) for Managers and Supporters

Exeter District Scouts HQ 9, Little Silver, Ashton Road, Marsh Barton

This course will help you become an even better Manager in Scouting. You can find out more about the course objectives here. This ticket is free to the user. Refreshments will be provided but you must bring your own Packed Lunch.

Module 7 – Scouting For All

This online workshop will help give an introduction and practical advice about how to make Scouts more inclusive. Bookings close on 28th October